Power Yoga: Beginners Step By Step Guide【電子書籍】[ Barbara Miller ]
![Power Yoga: Beginners Step By Step Guide【電子書籍】[ Barbara Miller ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/7020/2000003347020.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Power Yoga: Beginners Step By Step Guide【電子書籍】[ Barbara Miller ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/7020/2000003347020.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Power Yoga: Beginners Step By Step Guide【電子書籍】[ Barbara Miller ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/7020/2000003347020.jpg?_ex=365x365)
<p>In general, yoga is defined as a practice with Indian roots, concentrated on increasing the spiritual, mental and physical awareness. According to the records made in history, yoga has a tradition dating as far as the 6th Century BCE. From the ancient of times, this practice has been used in order to improve the symptoms of different health problems. As for the word itself, yoga means being connected to something or someone. Those who are regular practitioners of yoga, showing a clear interest in using this practice to improve their health and general well-being, are known as yogi or yogini.</p><p>The practice of yoga requires a lot of commitment and disciplineー there are a lot of people who use this practice in order to attain a certain goal (such as the weight loss), discovering the most efficient techniques through which they can achieve complete control over their own bodies and mind. The modern concept of yoga is based on a series of core principles, related to perception of the body and the increased awareness of the mind, in relation to the things that surround us.<br />Throughout history, different schools of yoga have developed, each philosophy being based on a series of common elements but also having each own individual elements. The Buddhist meditation is considered to be one of the most popular yoga practices, with the meditation serving the purpose of increasing concentration and bringing peace of mind. It is believed that, through Buddhist meditation, one can develop mindfulness and obtain insight in regard to the health problems he/she is suffering from.</p><p>Hinduism is another school of yoga, with two different practices having developed with the passing of time. The first one is known as R?ja yoga, in which the techniques are used for the development of both the body and the mind (with the spirit being often taken into consideration as an essential element). In India, R?jayoga is considered as more than a simple practice- regular practitioners believe it to be a way of life. The second school is represented by Hatha yoga, in which the focus is on the development of the body.</p><p>The exercises and yoga postures assumed in this book are the practice that are meant to develop the physical and mental strength.</p><p>Jainism, with the Jain meditation, is the yoga school in which the practice is concentrated on the soul and the desire to achieve supreme freedom. Other schools have developed in time, with tantric yoga being among the most popular. Combining the practice of yoga with sexual techniques, it is believed that tantric yoga can help a person lead a long and healthy existence.</p><p>The fact that yoga is practiced with the purpose to develop the spirit is not a secret. However, apart from healing the spirit, yoga, with its physical postures, can be extremely useful in improving the health.</p><p>Power Yoga is one of the branch of yoga. Click on Buy to learn more</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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