The Viking Prince (A Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mystery)【電子書籍】[ Sarah Woodbury ]
<p>May 1148. All Dublin is shocked by the murder of a prominent merchant, but only Prince Godfrid knows that the dead man was also a co-conspirator in his brother's plan to take the throne of Dublin. With death stalking his every move, Godfrid must call upon new friends and old to find the killer--and with their help uncover a conspiracy stretching beyond Dublin's walls to every kingdom in Ireland.</p> <p>Join Godfrid the Dane for murder and mayhem in medieval Dublin in <em>The Viking Prince,</em> the 11th <em>Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mystery.</em></p> <p><strong>A Note about Godfrid the Dane</strong>: Godfrid makes his first appearance in the <em>Gareth & Gwen Medieval Mysteries</em> in the first book, <em>The Good Knight</em>. He comes to Anglesey at the behest of Prince Cadwaladr, but quickly realizes that the deal he’s made is not quite what he thought, and Cadwaladr is not worthy of his allegiance. He takes it upon himself to keep Gwen safe and gives her up to Gareth when he comes to Ireland in search of her.</p> <p>He and Gareth grow to respect each other, and Godfrid returns to Gwynedd in <em>The Fallen Princess</em>, on a quest to find the Book of Kells, which has been stolen, and again in <em>The Lost Brother,</em> in search of allies in his conflict with Ottar of Dublin. In both instances, he ends up aiding Gareth and Gwen in their investigations.</p> <p>It is the dispute with Ottar that, in the late 1140s, drives Godfrid and his brother, Brodar. They seek to overthrow Ottar, whom they believe usurped their father’s, and now Brodar’s, throne.</p> <p>With the approach of the summer solstice and the coming thing, the great meeting of the Danes in Dublin, Godfrid is faced with a mystery of his own, which he must solve if his brother’s victory is ever to come to pass …</p> <p><em>The Viking Prince</em> is his story.</p> <p><strong>Complete Series reading order</strong>: <em>The Good Knight, The Uninvited Guest, The Fourth Horseman, The Fallen Princess, The Unlikely Spy, The Lost Brother, The Renegade Merchant, The Unexpected Ally, The Worthy Soldier, The Favored Son, The Viking Prince, The Irish Bride.</em> Also <em>The Bard’s Daughter</em> (prequel novella).</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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