The Fair Viking Princess: Prayers for Anna【電子書籍】[ Marilyn Gregoire ]
<p>It’s a whirlwind romance when Alan can finally prove his love, his passion for Anna. Yes, he has secrets but that’s solved with her profession of love. So why would she doubt him? Or does she doubt herself? Her obsessive nature collides with her fragile heart, and oh, what a shock to her senses as Anna enjoys the ultimate of romantic proposals and finds herself helping him move his life cross-country to the world she left behind. Wait...proposal? Didn’t they just meet? Confused and befuddled, stress builds while Alan is distracted realizing his business plan and her unstable heart gives into those tendencies that lead to more doubt, secrets and lies. Eating disorders are pushed along by old grudges and new rivals. How can one person be so stressed? How will God lead her back, from her darkness, back into His light and the love of her life? Follow them out onto the prairie to Mountain, North Dakota. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:834円
- レビュー件数:0件
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kingprince 関連ツイート
RT @kc0929soba: 岸くんのクセ強めなフープ回し朝からしんどいよ...。てか岸くんのフープ回しに大盛り上がりじゃん w w w #MEDALRUSH #KingPrince #岸優太
@knpr_hrr 2020/04/09 07:53
RT @nittele_da_bear: #宮下草彅 #四千頭身 のKing & Prince モノマネに #平野紫耀 さんご登場いただきました❗️🤩
#有吉の壁 #キンプリ #KingPrince@mogumoguhokkun 2020/04/09 08:07
RT @NetflixJP: 『連続ドキュメンタリー #RIDEONTIME』シーズン1の後半が本日より配信開始🎉
ここでしか見られないアーテイストたちの素顔を、今すぐ #ネトフリ でチェック✨
#NEWS #KingPrince #関西ジャニーズJr #なにわ男子 #Sn…@aloalominty 2020/04/09 08:09
RT @saki_KP_: 4/8 有吉の壁
#キンプリ #KingPrince
#平野紫耀 2020/04/09 07:59
RT @ren0123_mi24k: 今日も良きしょうれんが見れた…しょうくんの肩にそっと手をおくれんくんに、れんくんの肩をぽんぽんと優しくたたくしょうくん #MEDALRUSH #KingPrince #永瀬廉
@0723hyuga1 2020/04/09 07:55